Election Nomination Guide

Have a vision for the society? Thinking of standing as a candidate for the CSESoc Executive? This guide outlines the steps you will need to take to submit your nomination!

Election Nomination Guide

This guide outlines the steps you will need to take to submit your nomination to the CSESoc Executive Election.

  • Step 1: Determine your eligibility
  • Step 2: Know the roles, responsibilities and expectations
  • Step 3: Communicate your visions and goals
  • Step 4: Lodge your nomination

Step 1: Determine your eligibility

To stand for an Executive position, you must be a full member of CSESoc. This means you are:

  • Enrolled in a degree affiliated with the School of CSE, or
  • Transferring into a degree affiliated with the School of CSE and have accepted your transfer by time of nomination

and have not terminated your membership.

Step 2: Know the roles, responsibilities and expectations

Before considering any Executive position, it is highly recommended that you read the Constitution beforehand.

The constitution clearly outlines the roles, responsibilities and expectations of the Executive team generally and individual positions. Should you be elected, a thorough understanding of this document will be required so best to read it now!

Step 3: Communicate your visions and goals

This step is optional but highly recommended!

This is the opportunity for you to introduce yourself and all your amazing visions for the society to other CSESoc members that haven't met you! You could create a website or document. It's up to you! Check out below for some tips.

Some details you might want to include ...

Overview of yourself

  • Name
  • Position(s) you are standing for
  • Degree/Stage
  • Anything else that paints a good picture of who you are for members that haven’t met you!


Note: it is strongly encouraged that candidates have previously held an Executive or Directorship position within CSESoc.

  • Previous involvement and achievements within CSESoc, the CSE community, as well as UNSW more broadly.
  • Leadership experience
  • Any other relevant volunteering or work situations where you feel you’ve exemplified or developed the skills required for the role

Vision and Goals

  • What you'd like to achieve next year as part of your role
  • Aspects of the society you value most, what will you uphold?
  • Aspects of the society you would like to improve

If you would like to create a website, you can find some helpful templates here: https://html5up.net/. Another simple option is Google sites: https://sites.google.com/.

Make sure the link to your website/document can be accessed by everyone!

Step 4: Lodge your nomination

Once nominations are open, you must use your zID email to submit your nomination to [email protected]. The email must contain the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your zID
  • The position(s) you are running for. If you are running for multiple positions, you must also include your preference for each position.
  • A link to your website or document (optional)

Your email must also CC another full member of CSESoc. This person must second your nomination by replying to your email with their full name and zID. The seconder's email must be a zID email as well.

Once you have submitted your nomination, the Returning Officers will verify your nomination and secondment. A confirmation email will be sent to approve your nomination.

Nominations submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask the appointed Returning Officers of the election via [email protected].

Important Information

Outside of your provided website/document, there will be no campaigning permitted. This is to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all candidates who deserve to be elected based on merit over popularity. This includes Facebook Events, Groups, Pages, physical material distributions, personally messaging other members to influence a vote in favour of a candidate, and any other form of publicity. Candidates who are found campaigning will have their nominations forfeited.