Project Spotlight: Spelltester w/Joanna Lin

Our very own project lead Joanna sits down with us and completes the world’s first CSESoc Autocomplete Interview about her project!

Project Spotlight: Spelltester w/Joanna Lin

Want to register for the Personal Projects Competition happening this term?? 💻 Don’t know where to start and feeling intimidated? 🤔 Fear not! 😱 Our very own project lead Joanna 🥳 sits down with us and completes the world’s first 🥇 CSESoc Autocomplete Interview! 😤  Joanna walks 🏃‍♀️ us through:  

- her motivations behind creating her project - Spelltester 💪  

- her biggest struggles in her project 🪨  

- what she enjoyed the most 👀 🤩

- (even how she became so smart 🤯  🤫 )

- and so much more ! ✨  

If you aren't on the edge of your seat ♿ for the premiere, then what are you even doing ⁉️🤦

Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled 👀 for the next instalment of our Personal Projects Series! 🥰  where Rachel and Caitlyn put the spotlight 🔦  on rival project lead MJ 😳 about his own personal project 🏎️