Do all CSE students think the same? | Spectrum Ep#2
Another CSESoc Spectrum Episode! Do all CSE students think the same? We gathered 6 CSE students to ask them various questions and see the range of their beliefs and values. We also may have borrowed some inspiration from Jubilee's Spectrum videos 👀

🚨  Another CSESoc Spectrum Episode! 🚨
Do all CSE students think the same? 😳
We gathered 6 CSE students to ask them various questions and see the range of their beliefs and values 🤔  We also may have borrowed some inspiration from Jubilee's Spectrum videos 👀
Is getting a job at a 💎  Big Name Tech Company 💎  important? Should everyone learn how to code? 🖥  Do you think CSE is becoming oversaturated? Check out the video to see the spectrum of different opinions 😮
🔥  Missed Spectrum Ep#1? Check it out here: 🔥
Stay tuned for more Jubilee style videos releasing soon! Check out Jubilee's Spectrum videos here:
0:40 - Getting a job at a Big Name Tech Company is important to me
02:37 - I will be making a positive impact on the world through my degree
04:48 - Everyone should learn how to code
08:45 - Software Engineering isn't real engineering
10:09 - CSE is becoming oversaturated