CSESoc Media Team 2020

Aditi Chandra
Hello! I'm Aditi, a 2nd year student studying Computer Science/Economics, and am one of the CSESoc Media Directors for 2020. What drew me to being a part of the Media portfolio is the diversity in content that we get to produce for the CSE community - including our very own Podcast Echo! I am looking forward to making 2020 an even better year, as we continue to expand our content.

Clarence Feng
Hey! I'm a 2nd (3rd?) year studying Maths and Computer Science, and along with Aditi, we're the 2020 CSESoc Media Directors. I'm really interested in how information is conveyed and interpreted, so I hope to bring what insights I have to Media and the stuff we produce! In my spare time I'm usually taking photos (shameless plug), reading, listening to pods, or watching films.

Angeni Bai
Hey! I'm Angeni (but call me Genie!), and I'm a first year studying Computer Science. I'm pretty keen to be creating Media content that connects both the CSE and wider community, and also probably finally figuring out how a DSLR works :) In my spare time, you'll find me convincing myself I know how to play guitar, and spending way too long looking for photos for my Spotify playlists.

Julian Batongbacal
Hi! I'm Julian and I'm in my 2nd year studying Computer Science. The CSESoc Media Team has produced so much unique content, so it's an exciting opportunity to be a part of it this year. I enjoy flexing my creative side in animation, video editing, writing, or anything really; so hopefully I can bring something new to the productions for you to enjoy! When I can, I'm gaming, reading, or binge-watching.

Sunny Chen
Hey I'm Sunny and I'm in my second year studying software engineering and commerce. I enjoy viewing online content be it Youtube videos or podcasts and in turn I'd love to produce engaging and creative works for the CSE media portfilio this year.

Arsham Emad
Hi there! I'm a first year Software/Biomedical Engineering student. I find value in having creative skills alongside technical capabilities. Thus, as a 2020 CSESoc Media subcommittee member, I plan to make unique content with value to entertain and inform the greater UNSW populous. As a polyglot, I like to strike up conversations in different languages. So, if you see me, feel free to approach; I don't bite. 😉

Joyce Feng
Hi my name is Joyce, I'm a 4th year Mechatronic and comp sci student. I'm part of the 2020 cse media team. In my spare time I like to do anything creative from making graphics to learning to make my own website. I hope I can make csesoc more meaningful to you by contributing to their podcast, articles and the list goes on!

Jennifer Huynh
Hi there! I'm Jennifer, a 2nd year studying Computer Science/Commerce. In my spare time I’m either experimenting with film and photography, reading or going on a run with my 2 dogs! I’m fascinated with the multimedia content creation process and am always finding new ways to capture and depict the world. I hope to express my creative flair and accumulate timeless skills that I can use even after my time at university!

Raathan Jeevakumar
Hey! I'm Raathan, a current 1st year Commerce and Computer Science student. The ability to make enjoyable and entertaining content has been an interest of mine for a very long time. Through our work here at Media I would like to be able to create useful bits and pieces that truly resonate with you! Look if i'm honest most of the time you will find me binging the newest TV show out there or just listening to some good music, maybe making the occasional youtube video.
Ryan King
Hey I'm Ryan! I'm a 2nd year student studying Computer Science and Finance. I'm excited to be apart of the Media team this year and work on some exciting projects for CSESoc! I've found this society to be an awesome community to be apart of and I'd love to use this opportunity to give back to CSESoc. In my spare time I like to watch Netflix, read, listen to podcasts, and hang out with friends.
Isabel Li
Hello! I’m Isabel, a first-year studying Computer Science. I’m pretty excited about the potential for multimedia to convey ideas in new ways, whether it’s through visual graphics or interactive elements—I hope to channel this into the stuff I produce for CSESoc this year. Outside of Media, I’m interested in drawing and animation, LGBTQ activism, British comedians, and spoken word poetry.

Rosanna Liu
HELLO! I'm Rosanna - a 3rd Year Civil Engineering/Compsci student (I'm actually a 1st year noobie in compsci because I just changed degrees :DD ). I really enjoy maths, and appreciate the problem solving/thinking skills that computer scientists have. I love seeing the real life applications of code and engineering. I'm also really interested in smart cities, urban planning, and how we can use technology to create sustainable future cities. I like eating and cooking new food, and I'm also trying to plant a mini vege garden! I'm in love with dogs and other cuddly animals, and also like meeting new people and making friends!!

Paul Parackal
Hey! I'm Paul one of the new members of the CSE Media Subcommittee! Things I enjoy doing include, procrastinating, being lazy and waking up at 1pm. What do I do while procrastinating you ask? Well, YouTube, YouTube and maybe a little league if I'm feeling extra spicy. Fun fact: I actually am currently 6 weeks behind on two different Math subjects, so you could say I'm handling quarantine well :)))