Choosing Between Hybrid and In-Person Classes

With the infamous pandemic now slowly fading into the background, many classes at UNSW are slowly moving back towards being in-person. However, as a side-effect, a lot of these classes actually offer both an in-person and online option, which to most students is a huge win! This means students are left with another daunting decision to make: to select in-person classes, online classes, or a mixture of both?
A completely online approach is generally best suited towards those who live either overseas or quite far away from the university. If you don't live too far away from campus, try to attend as many classes in person as possible! Not only do you get to meet people more easily, but there is generally a greater sense of engagement and learning when you are in such an environment. There's a lot of great study spaces available on campus to help you with that grind mindset. Additionally, you do not want to miss out on the amazing student life that UNSW has to offer, or the weekly sausage sizzles held by CSESoc.
Of course, it is understandable if you do not want to commute to university everyday for lessons, particularly if it's a short one hour tutorial. So, here are some tips to a more hybrid approach!
- Try grouping in-person lessons onto the same day (or two).
- Aim to choose tutorials and labs in-person, and if you want less classes in-person, opt for lectures to be online.
- If you are unwell or have another commitment during one of your classes, attend another class online at your convenience! Most tutors do not mind, and can only be beneficial for your own learning!
- Electing for online lectures gives you greater control on your pace of learning, as you can fast-forward and pause at your own leisure.
This article is from our Enrolment Guide 2024. Check out the full guide here!
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