About CSESoc
Meet the Team

We have a range of portfolios to explore, and if anything catches your interest, be sure to look out for subcommittee recruitment during Term 1!

Tammy Zhong
Hello! I am in my fourth year of Software Engineering. I am one of the 2020 CSESoc Co-Presidents.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, need help, would just like someone who you can talk to or have any feedback for me or CSESoc!
My advice for everyone in first year is to take on and create opportunities and challenge yourself. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or go up to people and ask for help! You will find that many people around CSE are super happy to listen to you and help you out! :D

Shane Kadish
I'm shane :) I'm in my fifth year of software eng and commerce, so i'm pretty much a grandpa. I'll be coprez along with Tammy this year and am really looking forward to getting some cool stuff done for the community. I like computers and also naturey stuff like hiking. Any spare time that I have I like to spend outdoors. My advice for first years would be to take advantage of the awesome social opportunities you get from uni. Get to know the rest of your cohort. By the end of your degree your best memories will probably be the times that you spent hanging with your uni mates, not writing exams :")

Sam Push
Sam is this year’s Secretary for CSESoc. What does a Secretary do you might ask? Keeping the society informed about all the events we run through Facebook posts, weekly newsletters (Soc Announce), running meetings and admin-ing our tools internally. Top tips from Sam: go to CSESoc Social events to make a bunch of friends, go to CSESoc Careers events to get yourself job ready and join a CSESoc sub committee to get involved. Outside of uni, Sam loves all things photography, running, tennis, hiking and travelling. If you ever see him around, be sure to say hi!

Teresa Feng
Heyy, I am now in my 3rd year studying Computer Science after switching from Computer Engineering (if you want to know the difference and why I switched come talk to me!). I enjoy bouldering, origami and being at CSESoc events. As treasurer, my job is to guard the society's money which involves reimbursements, payments and budgeting. Uni has so much more to offer than just the courses, in a few years time, your favourite memories will be the things you do outside of class so make sure you come to all of CSESoc's events and give everything a shot even if it isn't something you would do normally.

Jeremy Chiu
Arc Delegate
Hey! I'm a 3rd Year Computer Science/Commerce student and as Arc Delegate I take care of logistics for events, ensuring that we get funding from Arc to help run the amazing events we have throughout the year! If you like belting your lungs out at karaoke or you can hit the woah then we'll be good friends!
The best advice I would give is to try as many different things as you can. Your first year at uni will be over before you even know it, so put yourself out there and make as many new friends as possible!

Tom Kunc
Grievance Officer
I'm a 3rd year Computer Science student - my job as Grievance Officer is making sure CSESoc is accessible to everyone, and resolving issues within the society. I'm also hoping to expand the society to conquer the world be inclusive of everyone studying programming at UNSW. I also work for CSE: I administrate COMP1511; run exams; and do a bunch of random things. In my spare time I… who am I kidding I have no spare time. My Pro-tip: do absolutely everything you can here, and remember that the people you meet and experiences you have at uni are worth just as much as the piece of paper you eventually graduate with. If you see me, come say hi!
The Careers team is the driver behind events like company talks, mock interviews, and site visits, and they help equip students with the skills they need to get into the jobs they want. They’re all about helping to open the door to a future in CSE by connecting students to our sponsor companies!

Khye Low
Careers Director
I'm a 3rd year Computer Engineering student from Malaysia, there's not much of us CE students out there so reach out if you need any help or advice at all! My biggest advice for first years is to just go with the flow and don't stress too much over academics, being part of a society and doing extracurriculars (hackathons!) are extremely rewarding as well. Good luck in first year!

Yan Zhai
Careers Director
I'm in my second year of Commerce/Computer Science and I'm also one of the Careers Directors for 2020! I would describe myself as someone who gives everything a go, which is something I have never ever regretted and is also naturally my number 1 tip for first years coming in uni. Join CSESoc, other faculty societies, but also branch into more niche interests like consulting, hobby and social impact societies. Unisport is also an amazing opportunity that I would recommend to anyone who wants to keep fit or enjoys a sport. Good luck!

Nicky Duller
Careers Director
My greatest ever achievement was in year 5 when I made a PowerPoint and every slide had a transition and a sound effect. Thanks for attending my TED talk. I’m a 3rd year neuroscience / comp sci student, and feel free to say hi if you see me around!

Evangeline Endacott
Careers Director
Hey Gators,
My name is Evangeline Endacott, but you can call me Evie, and I am one of your Career Directors for 2020. I study Computer Science with a major in Security Engineering and a minor in Psychology. My biggest piece of advice is to make the most of the time you spend at university. Most of us have quite short degrees and they absolutely fly by. Make sure you go to the uni parties, play sport, get internships, volunteer in societies. Make the most out of every opportunity and I promise you won’t regret it.
If you see me around campus, please say hi!
The Development portfolio is made of three teams: Projects, CompClub, and Workshops. The three teams work independently to further the goal of making students more confident in their abilities by providing them with more hands-on experience, on top of uni.
The Projects team allows you to work on programming projects outside of normal coursework, providing a talented team to turn your ideas into reality. Examples of ongoing projects include a degree planner, a timetabler, and various web development opportunities.
The CompClub team works hard to set up workshops for highschool students to develop an interest in STEM before university. In this team, you’ll cultivate your communication and leadership skills as you help students through various programming, robotics and VR tutorials and challenges.
The Workshops team helps organise all the technical workshops we’ll be providing you throughout the year. These workshops will be to help hone your technical abilities in a wide range of areas, including areas covered by a collaboration with other societies!

Leesa Dang
Projects Director (Product)
Hiya! I’m Leesa, a fourth year Computer Science student that really loves bread. I’m the co-director for Software Projects (Product), and it’s our goal to cultivate a friendly environment that will allow you to apply your skills in a software project. Uni is a special slice of time in your life where your main job is to learn, so take advantage of that and work hard to build a strong foundation in your studies. Of course, also make sure you’re getting involved and making lots of friends along the way. After all, the quintessential CSE uni experience is staying up with a bunch of mates and debugging that damn program that’s due in a couple hours 😉

Gordon Zhong
Projects Director (Technical)
Hi! I'm a 3rd year Computer Science student helping guide the Projects Portfolio this year. My advice to any first years (or older!) is to start making as many projects as possible. They don’t have to be big or even good, just keeping making anything and everything (within legal bounds 😊). Or if you want a bigger project to tackle, I hear the Projects Portfolio is hiring 😎. I enjoy Earl Grey milk tea and D&D games.

Livia Wijayanti
CompClub Director
Hiiii I’m a 3rd year studying Computer Science 👩🏻💻 and I’m the co-director of CompClub this year! I’m in charge of making sure compclub is running well hehe. Compclub encourages high school students in pursuing CS and their understanding in technology. It’s a great place to meet like minded people, develop your interests in programming and share your awesomeness! 🌟 I hope to see more people get involved in CompClub, creating a wider range of workshops and keen to see the community grow with csesoc 💚
likes: puppies, dogs, cofffeeee, using too much emojis and anything sweet 🍫🍯🍪🍓🐶🐺☕️💕💘🤩
Advice: Don’t be shy to ask for a help! Everyone here is super supportive and willing to help you

Tim Ryan
CompClub Director
I'm in my 4th year of Mechatronic Engineering/Computer Science and am one of the CompClub co-directors for 2020! I hope to provide high quality workshops throughout the year for high school students to get a taste of different aspects of computing. In my spare time I enjoy Canyoning, which involves abseiling down cliffs and waterfalls and navigating mountainous terrrain. My advice for first year students is to make sure you stay up to date with lectures as it’s easy to fall behind, and can be difficult to catch up!

Michael Gribben
Workshops Director
Hello there! I’m the Workshops Director who also happens to be a 2nd Year Computer Science student. My role is to run a bunch of really fun + cool + interesting workshops that teach you stuff they don’t talk about in lectures (and will help you get a job :0). I’ve read all The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books and the only fun fact about me is that I was born on the same day as Wikipedia :’)
The Socials portfolio is made of two teams: Socials, and Student Network (StuNet). These teams strive to facilitate lasting bonds between students, whether it be in friendship or as mentors/mentees.
The Socials team works to bring together CSE students of all years and experiences to make long-term friendships between them, through events like CSESoc’s First Year Camp, our weekly BBQs, or engaging and fun events like our boardgames-centred CardBoard nights.
The StuNet team helps plan, organise and run events associated with CSESoc’s Peer Mentoring program! Whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate, the StuNet team will work hard to ensure that you start studies at UNSW CSE on great footing.

Van-Roy Trinh
Socials Director
Hello friendos, I'm a 3rd year computer science student and one of the current CSESoc social directors for this year (: I'm working towards creating some fun social events for you guys in the upcoming years to help you make some friends and to get away from the stress that is uni. Outside of uni though I like to work on cars and hope to participate in some local motorsports like drifting/track days. Lastly, some advice for you noobs is to find balance! First year courses are easy to do well in (get that wam high early bruva) and are fundamental for later courses, but remember uni has so much to offer outside of your studies. Get active in your societies, participate in uni events, take it all in while you have the chance cuz youre not gonna have this opportunity when you start full time work.

Frances Lee
Socials Director
Hey there! I'm a second year Computer Science student and the Socials Director for CSESoc this year! You'll catch me around planning fun events through the year, with our most commonly attended event being the weekly free BBQ, so definitely keep your eye out for those on our Facebook page. While I'm not sizzling sausages, I collect cute stationery, play switch games and browse Reddit. As a recently graduated first year, I highly recommend going to First Year Camp (still regretting not going), and try out things that aren't stereotypically "you", which helps you discover what you want to get out of uni.

Shrey Somaiya
StuNet Director
Hey! My name is Shrey and I'm a 2nd Year CS Student. I'm taking on the role of student network director - and my goal this year is that every student has an opportunity to network, mingle, be mentored, mentor and make friends. Uni is hard - and my goal is to setup this community to succeed - whether that be academic, professionally or personally.
Feel free to approach me with literally anything - I have blue/purple hair so I'm easy to find!
Content & Marketing
The Content and Marketing portfolio is made of three teams: Creative, Marketing and Media. They work closely together to enhance outreach and make CSESoc look its best!
The Creative team is behind the aesthetic direction and the branding of CSESoc, which includes event banners, video thumbnails and merchandise design.
The Creative team collaborates closely with the Marketing team, which is in charge of growing the number of active members of CSESoc by making sure that people turn up to the events we hold (More on that later!), through the use of a variety of marketing strategies.
The Media team is committed to bringing high-quality content to the UNSW and CSE community in a variety of mediums, whether that be through our podcast, “Echo”, articles, or video. Through this, the Media team aims to enhance engagement with students outside of the events CSESoc holds!

Elizabeth Zhong
Creative Director
Hi there, welcome! I'm studying Software Engineering and one of the Creative directors! All the fun and exciting banners, merch and designs you've seen at CSESoc would likely be made by Jiamin and I! When I'm not doing that, I'm drawing, watching anime, playing games or trying to do all three at the same time :D
While you're here, take advantage of every opportunity, uni offers so many things to do so try to explore them all! Your time here at UNSW will fly by so make the most of it!

Jiamin Guo
Creative Director
Hello! I'm very approachable and enjoy reading, listening to music, watching Chinese historical dramas and Youtube and painting :) I'm currently studying 2nd yr Computer Science and Commerce and would like to create new creative content in my role. My advice for first years is to join many societies because that's where you're more likely to make lasting friends :D (rather than in tutorials or lectures) Move out of your comfort zone and try to learn new things and make memorable experiences!

Jessica Feng
Marketing Director
Hellooo! I'm a second year Computer Science and Media Arts student and am one of the Marketing Directors for 2020! I'm hoping that this year is gonna be a fun time that's full of successful events and lit memes. My advice for the new batch of first year students is to be consistent in your work, always revise content for best memory retention and to just enjoy uni life! Fun fact: my most played artist on Spotify for 2019 was Drake.

Isaac Joshi
Marketing Director
Hi! I am a final year student studying Computer Science/Commerce and a Marketing Director for CSESoc which means I am in charge of promotion for the society's events and initiatives, I hope to expand our reach to ensure members know how to get the most out of CSESoc. I drink a lot of water, probably more than anyone alive and I if I could bend any element it would be air. In my spare time, I play soccer, cricket and some computer games. A few years ago I took a picture with Russel Crowe, but I blinked and I regret it to this day.

Aditi Chandra
Media Director
Hello! I'm Aditi, a 2nd year student studying Computer Science/Economics, and am one of the CSESoc Media Directors for 2020. Media is in charge of creating some cool content for CSESoc ranging from articles to our very own Podcast Echo! In my spare time I love a good Netflix binge, or sampling the range of brunch spots Sydney has to offer! My advice would be to try some things out of your comfort zone during your time at uni - it'll help you grow & you may discover some new things about yourself.

Clarence Feng
Media Director
Hi! I'm Clarence and I'm a 2nd year student doing Maths/Computer Science. I'm a Media Director alongside Aditi, and we're committed to bringing you extremely cool and extremely good content. You'll usually find me reading, watching films, listening to pods, or taking photos. If you're coming in as a first year, it's a good idea to join a few societies and get really involved!
Media Publications

We at the CSESoc Media Team are dedicated to using a variety of audio-visual mediums to produce high-quality content for you guys!
If you want to check out the highlights of what we’ve achieved in 2019, Elton and Tommy worked together to author a three-piece investigation into the new Trimester system at UNSW, we chatted with two major CSE lecturers, John Andrew Shepherd (Jas) and Andrew John Taylor for our podcast, Echo, and Ryan and Clarence sat down with a previous CSESoc President, Jake Bloom, to chat about his past experiences and to receive some advice.
We’re committed to expand the horizons of what we can create, and we already have a lot of new things that we want to get done. If you have new things that you want to bring to the team, keep an eye out for sub-committee recruitment in Term 1!
Check out our latest Echo episode \/ \/ \/

Introduction: Welcome to CSESoc’s 2020 First Year Guide
Essential Tips: Covering the basics you need to get started at UNSW
Settling In: Helping you navigate uni inside and outside the classroom
About CSESoc: Get to know the CSESoc Team and what we do
What's Next?: Things to look forward to in 2020 and beyond