The Best CSESoc Portfolio

This CSESoc First Year Guide was brought to you by CSESoc Media! But who are we?
As one of the portfolios of CSESoc, we're dedicated to producing high quality media content for the CSE community - including but not limited to our podcast Echo, articles, and videos.
The Echo Podcast
Our podcast Echo has released 25+ episodes featuring guests from companies such as Atlassian, Canva, Dropbox, and Facebook. Many of our episodes also feature CSE students (such as yourselves), whether they be talking about a personal software project they have completed, or a CSESoc director demystifying the behind-the-scenes work that goes into keeping this society running! We've even had some UNSW CSE lecturers appear as well (with more on the way soon)!
Since our first episode back in 2019 the podcast has been downloaded almost 5000 times, with people tuning in from Sydney, Greater NSW, Victoria, Queensland, and even New Zealand! We strive to create content that is not only helpful and entertaining for UNSW CSE students, but CSE students from other universities who also want an insight into industry and to see what their peers are accomplishing.
For 2021 we have big plans to further diversify the content covered on Echo: talking to people in Cybersecurity, UI/UX Design, Research/Academia, Tech Consulting and more!
Not sure where to start? Here are some great first episodes to jump into!
On the CSESoc Media website (which you're on right now!) you'll also find a plethora of different articles written by members of the Media team - whether it's a beginner's guide to mastering the Vim text editor, a guide to having good posture (especially important in the age of online learning), or how to buy your first monitor. We have plenty of avenues we have yet to explore so stay tuned for new content in this space!

Video content is probably the first thing you think of when you think of media content. In 2020, we were able to film some original content, including CSE versions of Jubilee videos like Spectrum and Odd Man Out! Stay tuned for their releases by liking the CSESoc Facebook Page and subscribing to the CSESoc YouTube channel.

One of our big goals this year is to focus on video production. We'll be filming CSESoc events to capture the fun and inclusive vibe found here, and expanding our original video content! Go subscribe to CSESoc's Youtube Channel so you don't miss out on future video releases!

Subcommittee Recruitment
If any of what we've mentioned sounds interesting, you should definitely apply to be apart of our subcommittee! CSESoc subcom recruitment opens around early Term 1. Like the CSESoc Facebook page so you won't miss the application!
Being part of the CSESoc Media Team means you'll be given a lot of creative freedom to create the projects that you want to see. Even if you don't know a single thing about producing podcasts, articles, or videos, we will upskill you with internal workshops to help ensure you are equipped with the knowledge to create the best media content for CSESoc! If you have some cool ideas for what we should produce next, enjoy having autonomy, and want to meet some awesome people in the CSE community - then Media is the perfect place for you! It's gonna be a good time, we promise :')
My experiences in CSESoc Media
Clarence "claz" Feng
In 2019, I was a first year CS student at UNSW, and I was, as you will be in a few weeks, writing an application to join a CSESoc Subcommittee. I was wondering which one would be the best fit for me. I wanted to meet inspiring people, make new friends, and create cool things, and I found I could do all that in CSESoc Media.
As I would soon find out, Media occupies a special place in CSESoc. Formerly the Publications team, which produced a monthly magazine titled “Beta”, Media moved to an online distribution platform (that you’re currently reading this on!) which continuously publishes content throughout the year. Media provides CSE students a wealth of information in a variety of mediums about the CSE field, the school, and the industry. This makes it distinct from other teams, like Creative, which focuses on creating graphics, and Workshops, which organises technical workshops and competitions for CSE students.
Throughout 2019, the team and I found an impressive amount of creative freedom in Media, and the directors were always there to help us achieve our vision. This approach to creating content made me really invested in the Media team, and inspired the drive to create really cool articles, podcasts and more!
Invariably, any Media team member will be involved in multiple projects throughout the year, because there is a whole bunch of stuff to do per term. Luckily, from your own drive to make cool things, to seeing your team members report back with the amazing progress they’ve made, there is no shortage of motivation to you finishing your projects. Some of the most memorable things I did as a part of the Media team were doing podcasts inside company offices, including Dropbox, as well as interviewing some really cool people, such as Jake Bloom (working at Facebook), Conway Ying (CTO of a startup, Yoinki), and Oliver Dolk (working at Microsoft). All the guests gave my co-host and I valuable advice, and my work on the projects strengthened my personal ability to speak and network with others.
My directors, Adrian and Mehri, did their best to create a great team culture, and they definitely passed with flying colours. Every meeting would start with a bubble tea run and just shooting the shit in the society office, before we got down to the meeting agenda, which again, was mostly shooting the shit. It was this feeling of being part of a tightly knit team, and the freedom to create anything I wanted about whatever I wanted that made me love Media. I wanted to make Media bigger and better for students applying for Media in 2020, and so I applied for Media Directorship in 2020.
I was lucky enough to be accepted, and as one of the Media Directors, I was now only responsible for making sure that my team got all the assistance and exposure they needed. Our operations were impacted by COVID-19, meaning that we weren’t able to hold in-person meetings, and our ability to record podcasts and video were severely limited. Despite this, the 2020 Media Team managed to increase our engagement with the community, reaching 3,000 total podcast downloads in 2020, and nearly tripling the views on the Media website! As a Director, my proudest accomplishments would be increasing the views on the team’s content, and increasing the public visibility of the team that works so hard to put things out, by creating dedicated profiles for them.
Now, having passed the torch onto Ryan and Genie (who have worked really hard to put this guide out!), I am able to better look upon Media’s place within CSESoc, and its future. Media, being one of the few outward facing teams of CSESoc, is responsible for making students feel informed about their field of study, and it allows them to meet and talk to people whom they usually would never meet in their comings and goings at UNSW - like Chiefs of Staff at burgeoning startups, or jet-setting Product Managers, or industrious Software Engineers. I believe that Media is a special team, and it occupies an important niche within CSESoc. That being said, there is a lot of room to grow. Media has the opportunity to branch out more into video content, and can reach out to international persons of interest in the field of CSE. Furthermore, as only a student-run publication team, Media definitely has the potential to upgrade in areas like audio-visual production, technical expertise and outreach.
Nevertheless, the only direction that Media can go is forwards, and upwards. I look forward to seeing what Media can achieve this year and in future years to come!
Don’t forget to apply when applications open!
- Clarence (2021 CSESoc Secretary)
Choose your own adventure!
Now that you're well acquainted with what the Media Team does, meet the rest of our friends in CSESoc!
Or go back to the very beginning of this guide and see if you can find the Easter egg in one of the pages :)
Don't like these options? Check out the full roadmap below!